A melhor ROM para HTC Desire que já testei. Baseada na firmware do HTC Desire HD, possui recursos novos, que não estão presentes na firmware do Desire. Recomendo.
If rom seems slow maybe you don’t have an ext partition!
after first reboot u have to have 131~ Free MB in Mobile Memory
Rom Spends 10-15min to be StableRequirements:
-Latest Radio, 17_2 or .23
-Partition ext2, 3 or 4 wiped (for APP2SD)
For a best running of rom should do a Wipe Factory Reset and wipe at ext partitionFeatures:
- Based on WWE 1.32.405.1 Official Desire HD (FRF91) –
- Sense 2.0
- Kernel @998mhz Overclock-Undervolt-HAVS-CFS Autogroups-BFQ-SDfix-BatFix-GPU+-LZma compression+OCCamera+SLQB . . NeoPhyTe.x360@SnowLeopard #34 (Thanks to all that have make that I build this kernel) -> GPL Source: http://neophyte.vipme.com/gpl/
lzma compression, thanks to snq-
sdfix thanks to frank etc
GPU+ thanks to FloHimself & kingxklick
etc- Rooted
- New Market
- Scaling Governors: CPU interactive, smartass, powersave, ondemand, performance
- Theme modded by me (Launcher and Locksreen completely made by me –(If you use it somewhere, CREDITS)))
- Data2EXT or A2SD+ – thanks to ownhere
- read ahead bufferer size (“sdfix”), for better read SDcard.
- System WRITE by Overlay
- HSDPA Icon
- Power Control in Notification Bar
- Wake UP from Trackpad
- Desk Clock
- Titanium Backup
- EStrongs File Explorer
- Camera patch thanks to snq-!
- Google Maps
- Support CIFS.
- Adobe Flash 10.1
- Support VPN
- Supportext4
- “Fast”, Clean & Stable.
- Optimizations RAM and sysctl.conf enabled.
- Photo Gallery Nexus One
- Host block List & APN List
- Superuser Permissions by ChainsDD
- busybox Droid Explorer support
- Support bash.
- Voice Search, & Google Search
- Modded Bootscreen to Nexus bscreen
- Launcher2 original FroYo
- Quickoffice, Spare Parts, HTC IME, ROM Manager.
- Chinesse HandWritting Support
- Update OTA Support by ROM Manager
- Deleted Teeter, Stock, Plurk & others, etc.
- Disabled boot sound HTC.
- Multiple Wallpapers.
- Zipaligned
- Deodexed.
- Included Languages: English, Chinese, Arabic (not totally), Czech, German, Espanol, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Norwegian, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Swedish, Danish, Portuguese, Finnish, Slovenian, etc.
[25/12]ReflexTSenseHD 1.5.1
[MIRRORS]Upgrade 1.5 to 1.5.1-> http://files.c0urier.net/neophyte/Ne…flexTSense.zip
Original Sense Theme for ReflexTSense-> http://files.c0urier.net/neophyte/Ne…flexTSense.zip
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