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Download and Install Lineage OS ROM on Your Android (45 Devices Listed)

Esse post está em inglês, mas para quem já está familiarizado com o assunto não vai ter dificuldades.

Atualmente estou rodando a versão 14.1 (Nougat) da Lineage em um Galaxy S4 I9515L e incrivelmente está rodando 95%. Pois tenho percebido umas instabilidades no WI-FI. As vezes ele não liga, aí eu reinicio o celular então fica beleza.

Download UnOfficial LineageOs  Build

  1. Google Nexus 5 (Lineage 14.1)
  2. OnePlus 2 (Lineage 14.1)
  3. Samsung Galaxy tab 3 (Lineage 14.1)
  4. Motorola Moto X Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow (Lineage 14.1)
  5. Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 – mondrianwifi (Lineage 14.1)
  6. Samsung Galaxy S7 (Lineage 14.1)
  7. OnePlus 3 (Lineage 14.1)
  8. Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (kenzo) (Lineage 14.1)
  9. Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Exynos LTE (treltexx) (Lineage 14.1)
  10. Oppo Find 5 (find5) (Lineage 14.1)
  11. Sony Xperia Tablet Z (pollux) (Lineage 14.1)
  12. Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100 (Lineage 14.1)
  13. HTC Desire 816 (a5ul) (Lineage 14.1)
  14. HTC Desire 816 Dual SIM (a5dwg) (Lineage 14.1)
  15. Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos (i9082) (Lineage 13)
  16. Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime (fortuna3g) (Lineage 14.1)
  17. Xiaomi Redmi 2 (wt88047) (Lineage 14.1)
  18. Huawei Honor Holly (Lineage 13.0)
  19. Yu Yureka 4G (tomato) (Lineage 14.1)
  20. LG G2 (D802) (Lineage 14.1)
  21. Sony Xperia Z3 (Lineage 14.1)
  22. Sprint Samsung Galaxy S5 Sport (kltesprsports) (Lineage 14.1)
  23. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Qualcomm (hlte) (Lineage 14.1)
  24. Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 WiFi (gts28wifi) (Lineage 14.1)
  25. Moto G 2015 (osprey) (Lineage 14.1)
  26. Samsung Galaxy S4 (jfltexx) (Lineage 14.1)
  27. Samsung Galaxy Tab III 8.0 T315 (lt01lte) (Lineage 14.1)
  28. Lenovo K3 Note (aio_otfp) (Lineage 14.1)
  29. LG G3 (D855) (Lineage 14.1)
  30. Asus Zenfone Max (Z010D) (Lineage 14.1)
  31. Asus Zenfone 2 Laser (Z00ED) (Lineage 14.1)
  32. Verizon Galaxy S5 (G900V) (Lineage 14.1)
  33. Galaxy Tab S2 WiFi (gts210wifi) (Lineage 14.1)
  34. Galaxy S7 Edge (hero2lte) (Lineage 14.1)
  35. Nexus 5 (hammerhead) (Lineage 14.1)
  36. Motorola Moto X 2014 (victara) (Lineage 14.1)
  37. LG G4 (H815) (Lineage 14.1)
  38. Wileyfox Storm (kipper) (Lineage 14.1)
  39. Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro (kenzo) (Lineage 14.1)
  40. HTC 10 (pme) (Lineage 14.1)
  41. Moto G 4G (peregrine) (Lineage 14.1)
  42. T-Mobile LG v20 (H918) (Lineage 14.1)
  43. Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (lt01wifi) (Lineage 13)
  44. Galaxy S5 China Duo (kltechnduo) (Lineage 14.1)
  45. Galaxy S5 Duos (klteduos) (Lineage 14.1)

Download the Latest Gapps Package for Android Nougat

After flashing the Lineage OS ROM on your device, you’ll have to install the latest Google apps package too. Just head over to BaNkS’ Dynamic Gapps repository and download the latest file:

Download Nougat Gapps

Install Lineage OS ROM on Your Android


  • Make sure you have unlocked the bootloader of your android device.
  • Make sure you have TWRP recovery installed on your device.
  • You must have device drivers installed on your PC so as to transfer the ROM and Google apps to your device’s storage.
  • You must fully charge your device or at least to 60%, as the process may take a while.
  • Download SuperSU file from here to Root Lineage OS

Backup your Apps and Data
Before you proceed, make sure you backup all your data. This process will wipe all the data from your device except for the internal storage. Hence, a full backup or nandroid backup is recommended. Also backup all your internal storage files just in case anything goes wrong. Take a nandroid backup from the custom recovery before flashing the ROM.

Installation Process

  1. Download the LineageOS ROM, SuperSu, and Gapps.
  2. Now transfer the zip file to your device’s storage. Place the zip file where you can easily locate it.
  3. Now reboot into Custom Recovery (like TWRP). To boot into TWRP, first turn off your device and then press and hold volume down and power keys at the same time. If you see the TWRP logo, that means you have successfully booted into the recovery.
  4. It’s highly recommended that you perform a nandroid backup. To backup your ROM, tap on backup option in TWRP and select all the partitions including System, Data, Boot, Recovery, EFS and swipe right where appropriate, to backup.
  5. After performing the ROM backup, perform a full wipe. Return to the TWRP main menu and tap the wipe button and select Advanced Wipe. Then select Dalvik CacheSystemData, and Cache. Now swipe the confirmation button to wipe.
  6. Now go back to the TWRP main menu or home screen and tap on the install option. Navigate to the ROM file and select it.
  7. Swipe the confirmation button to proceed with the installation. The ROM will be installed.
  8. Now return to home in the TWRP and tap on the install option. Navigate to the Google apps zip file and select it.
  9. Swipe the confirmation button to proceed with the installation.
  10. After that, return to home in the TWRP and tap on the install option. Navigate to the SuperSU zip file and select it.
  11. Once all things get done, reboot your smartphone.

If you have any queries regarding this, feel free to ask in the comment section.

Fonte: Droidviews


  • Marina
    1 de março de 2021

    Hoje em dia a pessoa consegue achar de tudo na internet,
    mas infelizmente as vezes ache também artigos ruins.
    Posso dizer que esse artigo ajudou muito e vou
    compartilhar nas minhas redes sociais.

    • admin
      1 de março de 2021

      Muito obrigado amiga.


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